Monday, January 30, 2012

Parts 2 & 3 of Rubber Bark's Curiosity Quest Goes Green Episode

Here is the rest of the episode of Rubber Bark's Curiosity Quest Goes Green episode. The first part is a couple posts down on the buzz. We were super happy to be featured on this program last year, and we hope that you enjoy it while also learning a thing or two about Rubber Bark™!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Rubber Bark™ at the World Ag Expo in February!

We want everyone to know about Rubber Bark's spot at the World Ag Expo coming up in February. We are very excited to be a part of this great event! 

Come visit us at the World Ag Expo, which will take place in Tulare, CA from Feb 14-16. Our spot is Booth #4100 in the Beef & Livestock Building. You’ll get to meet our team and see all of our products, including our durable, eco-friendly rubber mats and our new landscape fabric.  And it’s another chance to win three yards of Rubber Bark™ or 15 durable, eco-friendly rubber mats when you complete a short customer survey.  

So mark it on your calendar and make sure to come by our booth sometime during the week. We'd love to see you. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Video of Rubber Bark™ on Curiosity Quest Goes Green

Did you ever get a chance to watch Rubber Bark™ on the great PBS show Curiosity Quest Goes Green? Last year, the cameras took a trip to the Rubber Bark™ facility in Ballico and had a great time filming the Rubber Bark™ creation process while learning about Rubber Bark's environmental contributions by keeping millions of waste tires out of landfills. Here is a clip of the episode, with more to come in the next few days.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Rubber Bark's new product in the Merced Sun-Star

Rubber Bark™ recently launched a landscape fabric to its line of outdoor products, and the Merced Sun-Star, a central California newspaper, picked up its news release on the topic, including quotes from Rob and Jana Nairn, CFO and CEO, respectively. Check it out on the Sun-Star's website

Here is one of the more witty quotes from the release that the Sun-Star included:

“It’s the perfect complementary product with Rubber Bark,” CFO of Rubber Bark Rob Nairn said in the release. “Rubber Bark™ is to weed cloth like peanut butter is to jelly."

More information on Rubber Bark's weed cloth is available on its website, within a couple weeks or check out the full release here.  To buy directly from Rubber Bark™ call 209-634-8849.