Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Modern & Urban Landscaping with Rubber Bark™

In today's world, it's more likely than not that homeowners, and renters alike may have a bit of space called a patio, garden, or small yard, instead of giant patches of land, but are not quite sure what to do with theses kinds of small spaces. Gardens in the city are the new sustainable living, and patios in the suburbs can be transformed into a comforting patch of living beauty.

Most of the time, small spaces need a punch of color to make it that more inviting to visit. That's why Rubber Bark™ is available in SEVEN different colors, for all different tastes and projects.

Want a little garden in the small backyard? Then use Rubber Bark™ as a protective mulch surrounding your crops and blooms from drying up in the sun (Rubber Bark helps keep the moisture in, and the critters out!)

Rubber Bark™'s smaller sized bags do great for these areas (no need for a super sack here!) and is guaranteed to last 12 times longer than traditional wood mulch.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact the folks at Rubber Bark™ today!

Don't look like everyone else! Add some Rubber Bark™

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